– Fridays was a late-night live sketch comedy TV show that aired on ABC from April 11, 1980, to April 23, 1982. Hosted by a talented cast that included future stars like Michael Richards and Larry David, the show was a unique blend of contemporary satire, character-based sketches, and musical performances. Fridays aimed to capture the spirit of Saturday Night Live (SNL) but with its own distinct flavor and style.

The Premise

Fridays was designed to fill the void left by SNL after the original cast and crew departed. The show took cues from SNL’s format but also incorporated its own elements, such as recurring characters, short films, and a parody news segment called “Friday Edition” anchored by Melanie Chartoff. The show’s runtime was initially 70 minutes but was later expanded to 90 minutes to accommodate more content.

Characters and Cast

Michael Richards

Michael Richards, best known for his role as Newman on Seinfeld, played “The Tall Crazy Jewish Guy” on Fridays. His energetic and often absurd performances were a highlight of the show.

Larry David

Larry David, co-creator of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, portrayed “The Jewish Guy” on Fridays. His sharp wit and observational humor were evident in his sketches, which often involved satirical takes on everyday life.

Other Cast Members

The show featured a diverse cast with varying backgrounds in comedy and performance. Maryedith Burrell, known for her range from zany to childlike characters, and Melanie Chartoff, who anchored the “Friday Edition” segment, were among the notable performers.

Humor and Writing

Fridays was known for its mix of highbrow and lowbrow humor. While it often included drug-oriented jokes and other controversial content, the show also featured surreal and absurdist sketches that pushed the boundaries of comedy. The writing was fast-paced and clever, with a focus on satire and social commentary.

Cultural Impact

Fridays had a significant impact on the comedy landscape of the early 1980s. It provided a platform for emerging talent and offered a fresh take on sketch comedy. The show’s influence can be seen in the careers of its cast members, particularly Michael Richards and Larry David, who went on to achieve great success in other comedy series.


Since its conclusion in 1982, Fridays has remained a beloved part of television history. Its innovative approach to sketch comedy and its fearless satire of contemporary issues made it a critical and commercial success. The show’s legacy is a reminder of the importance of bold and innovative content in television.


Fridays stands as a testament to the power of creative writing and comedic talent. Its unique blend of humor and social commentary continues to resonate with audiences, making it a must-watch for fans of sketch comedy and satire. The show’s legacy is a reminder of the importance of bold and innovative content in television.